All orders are shipped directly from The Patio Collection. Orders that contain two or more items from different factories will be shipped from different locations on different dates.
Many of the items are made to order and require longer than normal lead-time for an item to ship.
During peak season, items with an adjacent * in the collection will require extended time for completion.
When an order is placed, a projected shipping date will be generated. The Patio Collection will send a confirmation email with a confirmed projected shipping date from each factory for each item within 5 business days after the order is placed and payment is confirmed.
A projected shipping cost will be charged at the time the order is placed. If there are additional surcharges due to geographical location, special delivery request or additional weight, the customer will be notified by email within 5 business days after and order is placed.
The Patio Collection: Southern California's Leading Patio and Outdoor Furniture Source
We are located at 7441A Canoga Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91303
Local Phone Number: (818) 772-5100
Toll Free: (888) 40-PATIO / (888) 407-2846
Open Hours 10am - 6pm pacific time - Every day.